Monday, December 6, 2010

Santa Train at Whippany

We missed the Polar Express this year (surprised that it was already sold out in mid-Nov), so we opted for the second best - Santa Train at Whippany.

The boys were thrilled to ride the train and as a special treat, Santa came down the aisle to give the kids a little present and take pictures. As an added bonus, we even saw their friends Brooke and Madelyn.

It was cold as we waited outside for the train, but this little guy didn't mind at all. He was willing to do anything to ride the train, even look at the camera and smile (sort of). Logan was all bundled up and didn't mind the cold either.

Finally got in the train where it was nice and toasty.

Santa with Dylan and his friend Brooke
It was a 45 minute ride enjoyed by the boys. Dylan talked about it for days and he can't wait to go on another train ride. Maybe next week, Mommy will think ahead and buy the Polar Express tickets as soon as they go on sale (in August!!)

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