Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Eve of Christmas

Every year on Christmas eve we enjoy spending a quiet day at home as a family before the craziness of Christmas day. We finished wrapping all the Christmas gifts, baking cookies, making truffles, and preparing for Santa's visit. We also went to church for Christmas mass which was a big deal for the two boys. We had to make sure we had snacks, toys, juice, and crafts to keep them entertained. For the most part, they were well behaved, but the fact that it was too close to their bedtime (7pm mass) was challenging.

Before going to bed, we told Dylan that Santa was gonna come to the house while he was asleep and he was so excited he wouldn't go to bed because he wanted to "have a snack and watch a movie with Santa".

After both kids were asleep, we stayed up prepping for Santa's visit and making sure he had cookies and water.

Our attempt at a family picture after church.
the boys being silly before bedtime - our favorite time of the day
Logan just chillin with Daddy...
while Dylan helped Mommy bake cookies
Every year we change into our holiday matching 'jamas' and this year is no exception
Santa stuffed the stockings and left gifts for the two boys on his "nice" list
The "big" gifts waiting in the playroom

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