Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Warm for the holidays

The weather has been freezing lately... perfect reason to start a fire. The kids love it just as much as we do. Here are a couple of picture of the boys in front of our first fire for the season. Notice how they each get a photo since we've given up on getting them to sit still, look at the camera and smile at the SAME time. ;-)

Visiting Santa Claus

Every year, we get the kids all dressed up to meet Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas. Dylan was super excited and even rehearsed what he's going to say. "I want the big truck with the tires and tires and tires and tires and the gray trunk."

We got to Mall at Short Hills as soon as the they opened and there were already 25+ kids in front of us. The kids waited patiently in line entertained by the awesome Narnia display.

standing in line just before we could see all the cool Narnia displays
playing on the cotton "snow"
watching the movie clips from the movie "Narnia" (Dylan in green sweater)
He discovered the cotton snow and joined his brother
Logan with one of his favorite people
showing off his new skill - bottle-free at less than 13 months old!
our favorite part (besides meeting Santa) was inside the igloo where it snowed

Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree...

Trimming the trees with a 3 and 1 year old is work for Mommy and Daddy. We started decorating the house once the kids went down for their naps. We did quickly and quietly although not successful. It the middle of it all, they both woke up super excited to see all the decorations. They were our little helpers for about 5 minutes. At some point, we had to take a break to keep the boys away from the ornaments.

Dylan helping Daddy put the star on top of the tree
"Mom, don't look... I think Santa is standing next to me."

...and they found Santa - their favorite Christmas decor by far!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Brody the Elf

Santa's messenger made his appearance on November 26th. Dylan was so excited to name Santa's elf and every morning he looks for him. The hardest part for Dylan is to follow Brody's rule - no one is alone to touch him or he'll lose his magic. Besides asking several times a day if he can touch Brody, so far, he's been good.

Brody can't talk; he just listens and watches Dylan and Logan. Then at the end of they day, he flies to Santa and gives him a report on the boys. He comes back before they awake and he's at a different spot every morning.

Where Dylan found Brody one day? His favorite spot thus far

Tree Cutting - a family tradition

One of our family traditions happens the weekend after Thanksgiving - we search for the perfect Christmas tree for the family room. It was a cold chilly day, the kids were bundled up and we all went out to enjoy the day. Dylan was Daddy's little helper while Logan just hung out with Mommy.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas Tree Lighting at Lafayette Village

One of the first things we did this weekend to kick off the holiday season (besides Black Friday shopping) is go to the Lafayette Village to see the Christmas tree lighting and greet Santa as he arrived in a firetruck. It was a chilly night, but we bundled up and sipped out hot chocolates as we waited for Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

waiting and counting down for the tree lighting
Super excited about being out with the crowd
Dylan watching the trains inside Santa's house

Toys Story 3 - Disney on Ice

Our Thanksgiving morning started with the Toys Story 3 cast at the Izod Center where the boys excitedly watched Buzz, Woody, Jesse, Bulls eye, Ham, Slinky, Mr. and Mrs Potato Head, Barbie, and Ken ice skate, sing and dance.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We certainly have lots to be thankful for this year. Not only for our health and good fortune, but for our family and friends who consistently love and support us. We've had many changes and adjustments this year - all were a little bit easier because of the love we are surrounded with. Oh, how lucky are we!!!

What we are most thankful for - these two little boys who bring us so much joy and love. We do what we do because of you... we hope you'll always know that.

Note: That little headdress was made by Dylan in school.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Wish List

Our weekend project was a letter to Santa. Dylan looked through the Toys R Us, Target, and Costco ads and picked what he and Logan want for Christmas. Notice how he has more on his list than his brother ;-)

Day 1: Looking through and picking out what he wants and what HE wants for Logan.

Day 2: putting it all together for Santa.

Dylan's Christmas wish list - took up two pieces of papers taped together to fit it all (If you can see what's written on the right upper corner, that's Dylan writing his own name. Unfortunately, he may have taken after Daddy's handwriting skills)

Logan's list: a short list and half of it are for "Logan and me (Dylan)"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The new favorite movie around the house is "Up". We watch it on the weekends about 2-4 times a day. Dylan pretty much has the movie memorized and laughs at the funny parts even before they come on. To our surprise, even Logan is into it.

The boys watching their favorite movie.
"Where's the popcorn, Daddy?"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Officially a toddler...

The celebration continues....

Logan woke up to lots of kisses and hugs and singing. After we got ready for the day, he immediately found his birthday present from Mommy, Daddy and Dylan. He was all smiles when he saw his own personalized chair....

he climbed right up on the chair and "tested" it out.
His other present is picked out by Dylan: a sing a ma jig. It's the new hot toy for the holidays. Logan stares at it, sticks his finger in the mouth and cracks up!
His last gift - a book title "On the night you were born..."
It's our new favorite bedtime book to read

Birthday dinner at East Tokyo

Cake time!

He was fascinated with the candle.
Instead of blowing it out, he kept wanting to grab it.
If Daddy wasn't right there, we might have had a little bit of an accident.

the best part - eating the cake
mmm... so good

follow it up with a tall sippy cup of whole milk
even Dylan got into the fun of eating cake

Logan's 1st haircut

Such bitter sweet - so glad we no longer have to make him wear a ponytail.
But, boy will we miss the long bangs.
Daddy got dibs on the first snip.
Didn't think it was possible - but he looks even more handsome!

Happy 1st Birthday Logan!

To our dearest Logan,

On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, "Life will never be the same"... you brought wonder and magic into the world. (N. Tillman)

For a long time, we planned, wished, longed and prayed for you. We knew we had so much love to give and share. A year ago today, you blessed our lives in so many ways.

Anxious, scared, excited and nervous, we wondered how we would adjust to an addition to the family, the changes in our daily routine and the nights of sleeplessness. You fit right in with your cuddly personality, sweet cries and soft laughs. Days and nights were smooth because we were right where we belonged.

For the past year, we've watched you reach your milestones from cooing at the sight of Daddy, belly laughing endlessly with your brother and quickly crawling to Mommy's arms. We especially adore your charming, laid back, tender, sensitive personality.

Everyday you encourage us to laugh, challenge us to love unconditionally, and inspire us to be better parents. Because of you, our family is filled with so much life.

We wish for you on your birthday and always to know how much we love you and how proud we are to be your parents.

We love you!

Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, November 7, 2010

AV's Baptism

Welcome to God's world, Alessandro Virgilio!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gifts... Gifts... and More Gifts....

reading his birthday cards
opening gifts with Mommy

Just more toys to add to ALL of the other toys we already have. At least now, he'll know what it's like to play with brand new toys =) No more sharing with Dylan's old toys. he's so excited.. can you tell???
Thanks for all my toys, clothes, books, stuffed animals, and cash =) How lucky am I?!?