Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Our three day weekend started at the opening of Frog Falls where we plan on spending most of our summer. Dylan and Cece love the place. The best part: they are so tired from all the water fun that both fall asleep in the car on the short 10-min drive home.

The next day, we went to the lake with Grandma. Then had bbq with lolo.

It was a fun-filled family weekend and we're all exhausted!!!

Cece's favorite - the water slide
running through croaker soaker
trying to drink the wa-wa
loves the little fountain

at the lake with Grandma

a rare picture of Daddy and Mommy
enjoying his fruitablesbuilding sand castles
running through the sprinkles at lolo's house

Friday, May 22, 2009

Beach with Lolo and Lola

Since we've had really nice weather, we took Cece and Dylan to Hopatcong State Park to enjoy the playground and build sand castles.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Welcome Ate Cece!

Over the weekend, Grandma went to Vegas to pick up Ate Cece who will be with us for the summer.

When we saw Ate Cece at Grandma's house, Dylan couldn't have been happier to finally have someone to play with. He was copying everything Ate Cece was saying and doing. Unfortunately, he still has to learn to share his toys.

It's so great to see Dylan with his Ate Cece. It definitely seemed like Dylan aged at least 6 months just by being around Ate Cece.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dylan's second hair cut

For the past 7 months, we've let Dylan's hair grow out with Mommy trimming it once in a while. We decided it was time for a summer haircut so we took Dylan to Daddy's barber. Unfortunately, some things just never change - we've still got a crier.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mommy's Very Special Day

This year's Mommy day was all about arts and crafts. This Garden step made of concrete has Dylan's foot print and picture.

This was Dylan's Mother's day card which he painted himself.... i think we have a future artist here...=)

Our little handsome with Mommy.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Arts and Crafts

For the special Mommies in his life, Dylan made cards and paintings that turned out adorable. It was his first time painting and he loved it!

Friday, May 1, 2009


For the first time today, we laid eyes on baby S and it was love at first sight! We went in for an ultrascreen which is a combination of an ultrasound and blood test to determine the risk for Down's Syndrome, Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 21. Even though we know the risk for the baby is minimal, we wanted the ultrasound to see the baby.

Dylan was with us during the ultrasound and we were trying to show him the baby in Mommy's belly. We were pointing out the baby's head, feet, and hands. In the middle of it, while looking at the screen, he says "watch elmo". I guess he isn't quiet interested in his baby sibling just yet.

The US tech also gave us an educated guess on the sex of the baby.... which we'll be keeping a secret - at least until we get a more definite 'guess'.

Sleep Study

Dylan has been snoring since the day he was born. While the pediatrician says it's normal for newborns, Dylan never outgrew it. In the last 21 months, Dylan has had 3 episodes of asthma/bronchitis/pneumonia. After doing some research, Mommy discovered that 35% of the time, this is actually related to enlarged adenoids which can then result in snoring. We consulted an ENT specialist who concluded that Dylan's adenoids are indeed slightly enlarged.

We are presented with a several options: do a sleep study to determine the effect of his snoring (i.e. sleep apnea, lack of oxygen), surgery to remove his adenoids/tonsils or monitor it closely (he might outgrow this). We opted to be a conservative and do a sleep study before going with surgery.

On April 30th, Daddy brought Dylan to Morristown Hospital to get settled in and Mommy met them there after work. Dylan was so excited to have his own big boy bed and a TV in his room. We were concerned that the nurse wouldn't be able to place the electrodes since he is such a light sleeper. By 10:30pm (two hours after his normal bedtime), he finally got tired and went to sleep. Surprisingly, he didn't give a nurse a hard time - he was snoring the whole time!

loving the big boy bed
watching Elmo
in deep sleep
all wired!
We're hoping to hear good news in about two weeks.