Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Visiting Santa Claus

Every year, we get the kids all dressed up to meet Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas. Dylan was super excited and even rehearsed what he's going to say. "I want the big truck with the tires and tires and tires and tires and the gray trunk."

We got to Mall at Short Hills as soon as the they opened and there were already 25+ kids in front of us. The kids waited patiently in line entertained by the awesome Narnia display.

standing in line just before we could see all the cool Narnia displays
playing on the cotton "snow"
watching the movie clips from the movie "Narnia" (Dylan in green sweater)
He discovered the cotton snow and joined his brother
Logan with one of his favorite people
showing off his new skill - bottle-free at less than 13 months old!
our favorite part (besides meeting Santa) was inside the igloo where it snowed

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