Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow storm 2010

Day 2 of the snow storm = more snow fun

Dylan had his first snow day today which means no school. In order to past the time, Mommy and Dylan did lots of coloring and painting while Daddy went to work. Luckily, Daddy came home early so we all got to go outside and play.

After about 30 hrs of snow, we had a total of about 16-18 inches of white powder.

Approximately 24 hrs of snow - our backyward
Logan chillin' inside with Mommy while the Daddy and Dylan cleared the front of the house

Daddy and his mini-me
oh so deep
playing in the snow
Logan joining in the fun
"let's go Logan!"

all bundled up
the cutest little boys
Dylan loved pulling Logan up and down the walkway
Logan loved it too
can they get any cuter?!
Mommy's little man
a family event
our snow bunny

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