Monday, February 1, 2010

Dylan's firsts

For someone who isn't much of a TV watcher, Dylan did well for his first movie at the theater. Daddy took Dylan to a local theater that had a showing for a 46 min Thomas the train movie. He loved it and came home to tell Mommy all about it.

The next day, we had him try ice skating. Although it seemed that Daddy was more excited, Dylan did well for his time. Our goal was to just get him used to the skates and if he goes in the rink with Daddy, then it's an added bonus.

he couldn't wait to get his skates on
showing off his skates
(btw, his super short haircut is courtesy of Daddy. To say the least, Mommy was very upset)
Not sure what to think of the ice. At one point, we were worried he got Mommy's athletic abilities... which is pretty much close to none
getting a pep-talk from Daddy. Dylan is starting to feel more comfortable at this point
Since he did well, Daddy rewarded him with cookies which we think Dylan enjoyed more than the ice.

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