Friday, August 20, 2010

Preschool Swim Class

One of the reasons Dylan loves Frog Falls is because of the walk-in pool. He loves to splash in the water and pretend to swim in the shallow area. In the last month, Dylan has been showing fear of going into the water, especially when his feet can't touch the bottom of the pool. The thought of putting on a floating device freaks him out. So we decided to put him in a swim class at Frog Falls for two weeks, 3x a week.

Week 1: Day 1 - lots of tears: he didn't want to go into the water and when he finally did, he cried the whole time. It was not a pleasant experience for Mommy or him.
(photos from phone)

Week 1: Day 2 - On our way to FF, Dylan kept saying he wasn't going to cry and he was gonna swim in the big pool.... THEN have a cookie. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of Dylan. He did MOST of the things his swim instructor asked of him and, most importantly, there was no crying.

sitting on a pool noddle
after swim class, he told us he liked his "swim teacher in blue"he still isn't comfortable jumping into the pool by himself, but he did it while holding the swim instructor's hand. A complete improvement from the day before when he wouldn't even stand up to jump into the pool.

He got his prize - a cookie that he gobbled up in seconds! (Yes, bribing works!)

Week 1: Day 3 - Feeling more comfortable in the water. Today, he even used the different devices in the water (which he refused the day before). On this day, his bribing prize was a lemon pop shot ;-)

geting ready to put his head in the water

holding onto the pink flat board
not minding the floating dumbbells.

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