Week 1: Day 1 - lots of tears: he didn't want to go into the water and when he finally did, he cried the whole time. It was not a pleasant experience for Mommy or him.

Week 1: Day 2 - On our way to FF, Dylan kept saying he wasn't going to cry and he was gonna swim in the big pool.... THEN have a cookie. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of Dylan. He did MOST of the things his swim instructor asked of him and, most importantly, there was no crying.
sitting on a pool noddle
He got his prize - a cookie that he gobbled up in seconds! (Yes, bribing works!)
Week 1: Day 3 - Feeling more comfortable in the water. Today, he even used the different devices in the water (which he refused the day before). On this day, his bribing prize was a lemon pop shot ;-)
geting ready to put his head in the water

not minding the floating dumbbells.

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