Our early bird woke up at 6am excited to officially turn 3. He opened some presents, had breakfast at the diner (thanks Daddy for going into work late), hung out with Lolo and Lola Mia, visited the park then off to Grandma and Uncle Tommy's for cake. What a fun day for any three year old!
he loved his presents: toy story 3 jello and a garbage truck
not leaving the house without the garbage truck.
enjoying his first pancake.
so this is what a three year old looks like?
opened his present from Ninang Tessa and Ninong Mike - we've never seen anyone more excited about getting a "ticket for the train" (AKA a check)
Another "ticket for the train". He said Logan can go ride the train with him.
Met Daddy for a picnic dinner at the park.
We gave him his final bday present - a big boy bike. He got right on it and rode it like he's born to rideHe didn't want anyone to help him. Once he got the hang of it, he rode around the park by himself. Everyone at the park can hear Daddy say " slow down Dylan", "hit the brakes"
We managed to get him off the bike to take one quick family picture.
At this point, Mommy got teary-eyed - watching Dylan ride an actual bike. Oh, so bitter sweet!
Logan enjoying his time alone on the swingnot a birthday without a visit to Grandma and Uncle Tommy's houseHappy Birthday to you....
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