Thursday, September 3, 2009


2 is a great age. Dylan is talking a lot more, even putting sentences together. He's talking so much that sometimes we just wish he'd be quiet so Mommy and Daddy can have a conversation.

Random things he says:

While mommy is resting on the couch, he pulls Mommy by the hand and says:
C'mon Mommy, get up. Let's go.

When Daddy hugs and tickles him:
Stop it Daddy!

In the car, it's non-stop:
what color is that
look at the tree, look at the car, look at _____ (anything and everything he sees)
Mommy/Daddy, what you doing?

When Grandma was changing his dirty diaper, Grandma said, "OH what is this?"
Dylan: it's Chicken.

At an ATM drive thru
D: want some chicken please

His favorite expressions:

Last morning... (from Ate Cece)
Oh My God
What you doing?
Let's go pasyal
Eat Eat Time
I show you

nothing says I'm A BOY like a pair of dirty feet

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