Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our fearless little monkey

Today, Dylan was in his crib during naptime when Mommy heard something through the monitor. When she went to check on D, he was walking around in his room!!!!! Mommy checked for bruises, bumps and red marks. She even gave D a little exam for broken bones. Dylan wasn't upset or crying.

How did this child climb, or maybe jump, or maybe fall out of his crib?!?! Mommy put Dylan back in the crib and said, 'Show Mommy how you did that'. Well the little monkey grabbed the front of the crib, leaned forward, and lifted his leg of over the crib! Yikes! Kinda funny and scary at the same time.

So when Daddy got home, he lowered the crib so that Dylan wouldn't get out again. Hopefully, he doesn't try this again. It was very scary and thank goodness he wasn't hurt at all.

One thing is for sure... Dylan sure didn't inherit his dad's fear of height!

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