Monday, June 6, 2011

Look who's talking...

One of the concerns we had with Logan is his language development. He loves to talk and makes attempts (lots of noises come from this child), but his word bank is very limited. In the last month or so, we’ve been practicing and teaching Logan new words. So glad to report, that he’s doing very well. More and more, Logan's vocabulary just continues to develop. At this 18 month appointment, his Pediatrician was so glad that Logan can say more than 15 words, and even starting to combine words creating two word sentences.

Just so we’d always remember….at 18 months - his favorite words to say:

· No· Mine· Yesh· Shoes· A-wawa (water)· Milk· Mommy/Mama· Daddy/Dada· Di-Di (Dylan)· Lolor (color)· Eat· Bird· Ball· That (points at everything and says “dat”)· Baby· Snack· Bye-Bye· Hi· PooPoo· Choo-Choo (that’s a word right?)· Uh-Oh· E-mo (elmo)· Juice· Nana (banana)· Out-chide· Hallo (hello)· Lolo· Iwandat (I want that)· Ap-pel (apple) – this week’s new word

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We always look forward to Memorial Day Weekend - lots of family time, bbq, backyard fun and prepping for summer. Most of all, it's the opening day for Frog Falls and we all know how much the boys love the water.

We were lucky to have gotten three days of warm, sunny and partially humid days. So, of course, all three days were spent at the waterpark. The water was still a little bit cold, but the boys didn't mind at all. We spent about 2-3 hours a day - just enough time to get the boys exhausted for bed. We'd come home and they would be asleep by 7pm. It was perfect... and money well spent!
Gotta love this kid's "cheeeseee"
can't leave without the water shooter
Hanging pool side with mom.
Not once did Logan let go of these two cars
Dylan looking for someone/something to shoot water at

Waiting for Dylan so they can go on the slide together - their favorite