For Dylan's second swim class at the Y, there was a lot of crying and sitting at the edge of the pool not wanting to go into the water. That same day, we had reservations to stay at the Sheraton in Parsipanny so the boys can enjoy the pool. Not sure what to expect and not having any expectations from Dylan (we knew Logan would enjoy it as he does pretty much anything at this age), we headed to the pool right after we checked in.
"I'm just gonna watch you and Daddy, OK? I don't want to go in the water." We told him he could just watch us swim and he didn't need to do anything he didn't want to.
At first, he just sat by the steps going into the pool and played with his water shooter. Minutes later, he wanted to show us how he holds onto the edge of the pool, and how he jumps into the water, and how he blows bubbles, and how he kicks the water and before we knew it, he was swimming the length of the pool with the help of his swim bubble and pool noodle.
Not sure who the little boy was in the pool with us for two days, but we sure like him!
Daddy with his boys
Mommy swimming with her water babies
Sandwiches, fruits, and french fries are so much better poolside