Dylan's teachers threw a party for an early Mother's Day celebration at school. There were several activities for us to do at the school and Dylan was very excited to do them with Mommy.
We didn't tell Dylan that Mommy was going to his school and this was his reaction when he saw Mommy. He quickly ran into Mommy's arms as soon as he saw her.
(Picture is extremely blurry, but you can see D running)
Today was hardly what mommy considered a good day but in the end, it turned out good. We had a family dinner at Cinders in Mine Hill, NJ. Nice restaurant and nice service. Especially when they sang to Mommy!!!
Mommy and the boys (mommy doesn't know it but a cake was coming and the servers were going to sing happy birthday)
Mommy, Dylan and Logan blowing out the candles
Yeay!!! My Mommy Rocks!!!! let's eat cake!!!
Mommy's Birthday celebration actually began last week when we all went to Woodburry Commons to go shopping.
Mommy opening her new purse, clutch and sun Glasses (not pictured).
At 5 months old, we finally moved Logan into his own room in his own crib. We were originally planning on waiting until he turned 6 months (just as we did with Dylan), but he outgrew his bassinet a little too early. But it was also getting difficult to keep both boys from waking up each other in the middle of the night and/or early in the morning when both are in "Mommy's bed".
We were sad to not have Logan in our room anymore, but we do enjoy getting our room back, at least until about 2AM. Mommy wasn't as paranoid as when we transitioned Dylan. Well, maybe still paranoid considering we now have 2 video monitors and 1 angel monitor in our room. Yes, we hear every single noise coming from their rooms...from Dylan's snore to Logan sucking on his paci.
The transition went very smoothly. Logan woke up only a couple of times during the night which was pretty impressive considering we also took away his swaddle the same night.
(yes, that would be a xmas pj's. Just as long as it fits, he's wearing it! ha!)
In the recent weeks, we noticed that Dylan has been asking more and more to spend time with Mommy. Since November, he's missed having Mommy's undivided attention. So we decided to go on a date... just Dylan and Mommy.
A train ride from Dover to Chatham followed by cookies and M&Ms - PERFECT!
buying his ticketchecking out his ticket
Mommy and her date
bye bye train
at the Chatham train station
our little snack afterwards
This will definitely be a monthly tradition for us. We can't wait for the next one!
At 5 months and 2 weeks old, we decided to give Logan his first taste of cereal. 'He LOVED it' is an understatement. Instead of the regular one tablespoon serving, he got 2 and half tablespoons. This kid just wants to eat eat eat.
At the very last minute, we decided to sign Dylan up for Kiddie Soccer. He does love to play outside and kick the ball. Daddy was very excited. He bought cleats, shin guard and a soccer ball. He even left work a little early to be there for the first day.
It seemed that Daddy and Mommy were more excited than Dylan. Since the soccer field was right next to the playground, Dylan would have much rather go on the slides. He kept running towards the playground and Daddy kept re-directing him to the field. Dylan didn't really care about what the other kids were doing nor did he pay any attention to the coach. After running around a couple times, he asked for snacks and sat next to Mommy. For his first day, he was out on the field for a total of 10 minutes (out of 60 mins). Hopefully, he didn't inherit Mommy's athletic ability (or lack thereof). Crossing fingers that next week will be much better =) Or we'll have 7 weeks of no fun at all!
standing all by himself not really caring what the other kids are doing (in red jacket)
finally got him to go with the other kids... but refused to sit like everyone else (notice the other kids just standing around too)
our bribed picture - told him he can go to the playground if he smiles for the camera ;-)
Our day started with the boys checking out what the Easter Bunny left for them. Then off to church, Lolo and Loloa's house for lunch then Grandma and Uncle Tommy's for dinner. We managed to get the kids ready early for church and they even behaved for the full one hour mass. It was an early start to our very busy day.
Easter basket from the Easter bunny
We think Dylan liked what the Easter Bunny left for him
Logan wanted to get a taste of his puffs (one more month til solids!)
Dylan's favorite - BUZZ
Family picture before church
Giblet and Butterball
hunting for eggs
"look what I got!"
Logan holding tight onto his ONE egg
closing his eyes for Grandma and Uncle Tommy's surprise