Dylan has been snoring since the day he was born. While the pediatrician says it's normal for newborns, Dylan never outgrew it. In the last 21 months, Dylan has had 3 episodes of asthma/bronchitis/pneumonia. After doing some research, Mommy discovered that 35% of the time, this is actually related to enlarged adenoids which can then result in snoring. We consulted an ENT specialist who concluded that Dylan's adenoids are indeed slightly enlarged.
We are presented with a several options: do a sleep study to determine the effect of his snoring (i.e. sleep apnea, lack of oxygen), surgery to remove his adenoids/tonsils or monitor it closely (he might outgrow this). We opted to be a conservative and do a sleep study before going with surgery.
On April 30th, Daddy brought Dylan to Morristown Hospital to get settled in and Mommy met them there after work. Dylan was so excited to have his own big boy bed and a TV in his room. We were concerned that the nurse wouldn't be able to place the electrodes since he is such a light sleeper. By 10:30pm (two hours after his normal bedtime), he finally got tired and went to sleep. Surprisingly, he didn't give a nurse a hard time - he was snoring the whole time!
loving the big boy bed

watching Elmo

in deep sleep

all wired!

We're hoping to hear good news in about two weeks.