Our normal conversation:
Mommy: Dylan, do you want time-out?Dylan: NOMommy: Then, you have to do what Mommy says OK?Dylan: OKAnd most of the time he does. So no reason to actually put him in time out. Right?
Well, we just recently read that time-out starts as early as 18 months, if not even earlier. Lately, Dylan likes to test our patience and will act out when we get upset with him. Plus, he's starting to hit, throw things, bite etc. So we decided that after he turns 18 months (which was last Monday), we'd start time-out. Well, we were on vacation, so it was pushed to after we get back from NM.
This afternoon while Dylan and Mommy were playing, Dylan threw the cell phone on the laptop. Guess what... TIME-OUT!!!
he was doing great for the first 20-30 secs
(recommended time is one minute per one year)

then he thought we were playing a game


Seems like it'll take a few more time-outs before he gets it.
(Ok, so maybe we shouldn't have been taking pictures.. but how can we not??? hehehe )