Saturday, July 21, 2012

Party at Frog Falls

For the third time in a row, Dylan celebrated his birthday with his friends and family at Frog Falls Water Park.  The place never disappoints and everyone always has a great time.  This year, Dylan picked a race car themed party, as evident in these pictures.

Dylan woke up early (as he does everyday), walked into Mommy and Daddy’s room, and announced that it’s his birthday party day.  “Get up, let’s go downstairs, today is my party, we’re gonna be late!”  He was beyond excited and was looking forward to having his friends join him for the day (it’s the first time we invited his school friends).  Grandpa even came to his party!

We were worried about the weather - the day before, it was raining, windy and cold.   But on the day of his party, the sun came out and the rain stopped.  It was still a tiny bit on the colder side, but we'll take it!  We certainly got lucky.  No matter how cold the water was (it warmed up a bit towards the afternoon), the kids still jumped in and had fun.

 The invitations were ordered from Etsy and printed at Kinkos.  Banner from the PI
 Watermelon race car- craved by Daddy
 Fun snacks for kids:  Spare tires, Wheel Cookies, Nuts and Bolts, Dip Sticks
With our 5 year old
 their new favorite at FF - the lazy river
L- family pic with our favorite little girl; R - with some of his friends and cousins
 cake from coldstone; decorated by Mom

 with cousins; with Grandpa, with Daddy

Thank you to all of our family and friends - you made our little five year old very happy today!  We love you!

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