Monday, December 19, 2011

Monkey see... monkey do...

Every since we can remember, Logan pretty much mimics everything Dylan says and does. If Dylan wants water, so does Logan, thirsty or not.  When Dylan says "thank you", Logan says "tink chu".  If Logan doesn't want to put a certain pair of shoes on, we just say, "look, Dylan has the same shoes on".  Done!  Logan gets excited when they are both wearing the same thing.  Whatever Dylan plays with, Logan is right there behind him.  It's actually an amazing thing to watch.

Today we discovered that it doesn't stop there.  Dylan is allergic to peanuts.. so why not Logan ?  Yup, we found out that our little one also has peanut allergies.  We're sad about it - just as when we found out about Dylan's allergies.  But looking at the bright side of things - at least it's the same allergy as Dylan's so we just have to continue doing what we've always done.  We are so glad we assumed from the very beginning that Logan would be allergic to peanuts and kept him away from it. 

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