Monday, October 20, 2008

For the love of grapes...

If you've been around Dylan lately, then you'd know that he will practically eats grapes ALL day long if we let him. He just loves it and he asks for it after every single meal and during snack. It's pretty funny watching him eat them - with every bite, he says.... "mmmm...gud"

He's also been starting to talk a lot and letting us know what he wants. He can say about 30 words, but he does have his favorites: apple, grapes, wa-wa (water), thank you, hi, ball, mommy, mike (yes, that's what he calls Daddy), uh-oh (is that a word?), cracker, and buh-bye. He's also great at repeating things we say - a good and bad thing. For this reason, Daddy and Mommy have to start watching what they say around D.

Another favorite thing of his: walking while holding Mommy's finger. Yup, he isn't walking on his own yet, but he loves to walk.

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